The Shakespeare poster project was a good way to learn about the life of this famous author.

The project consisted of making a large poster where we had to present his life, his family, his plays and his quotes and also the Globe Theatre. We were able to make drawings and decorations.

We were able to learn that Shakespeare was an English playwright, poet and actor. He was born on the 26th April 1564. We learned that he married Anne Hathaway at a young age and they had three children together. He wrote a lot of plays (Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet,…) and quotes (“To be or not to be, that is the question”, “Knock knock, who’s there ?”). He died on April 23rd 1616 at the age of 52.

William Shakespeare influenced the world today with his plays but also with his famous quotes, so he is an important person in history.

Manon Perez, Zoé Oriol, Emma Abilleira (4E6)

We did a project on Shakespeare. We had to do a poster. We could do paint, burn or write with a feather.

Shakespeare is a writer, he did Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet. He was born in 1567. He had one daugther and twin children, he worked in The Globe Theater. He created new quotes. Anne Hathaway was his wife and they lived in London.

On our poster we wrote a description about The Globe Theater, we drew the Shakespeare family tree and put a lot of quotes.

There is an exbition in the C.D.I. Go and see all of our beautiful posters and learn more about William Shakespeare.

Cléo Ferreirra-Coupez, Sophie Salamon, Madyson Duplan (4E3)

The exhibition is nice but our poster is the best. For our poster, we used lots of differents techniques. We used our artistic talent to draw The Globe Theatre, Shakespeare’s house and Shakespeare with his family. We used colored pencil to bring it to life. We used markers to sublimate the writing. We worked one large piece of paper.

Angéline Durand, Auréliane Fresquet (4E3)